ECOBRASS®: 982,00 €/q BRASS: 7060.0 €/t

Terms and Conditions

This Agreement governs the Services and Sale of Products provided by AEB Torneria Automatica srl, Corso L. Einaudi, Torino (TO), vat: 02533840167, tel. 030 7759889, (hereinafter “AEB Torneria”).
The General Conditions of services and sales are specified below, the acceptance is an indispensable condition for you to be able to validly use the Services and purchase AEB Torneria Products.

In order to allow your registration to the Services and allow you to access them and make a purchase of the products through the AEB Torneria web platform, we ask you to read and accept the General Conditions of services and sale that govern access to the services offered. The declaration of having carefully read the General Conditions of services and sale and their acceptance is a necessary and indispensable condition for accessing, using and enjoying the services offered by AEB Torneria through the web browser at the URL: At the time of signing the General Conditions of services and sale, you will also be asked to read the information relating to the processing of your personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 and subsequent amendments, as well as EU Regulation 679/2016 and you will be asked to authorize the processing of your personal data, freely provided, for the purposes relating to access services and for any other initiative you may choose to join, as well as expressly accept the specifically indicated clauses.
In any case, by completing the procedure, you declare that you have read and accepted these General Conditions of services and sales. To this end, you are invited to carefully read these General Conditions of services and sale.

For the interpretation and execution of the following General Conditions of services and sales, the following definitions apply, in addition to those possibly contained in the legal texts:
“AEB Torneria”: the entity who provides the Services in a web browser, accessible at the URL: https://aebtorneria. it/, owner of the related domains.
“Order”: means the form, in electronic format, filled in by the Customer, containing the production estimate of the Project by the Customer uploaded on the web platform and sent to AEB Torneria.
“Parties”: jointly means AEB Torneria and the Customer.
“Password”: confidential and personal information of the authentication credentials, essential for the use of the Services by the User.
“Registration Procedure”: set of activities that consist, as far as the User is concerned, in the acknowledgment of the Privacy Policy and in the manifestation of the relative consent, as well as in the acknowledgment and acceptance of the General Conditions of services and sale, in the sending of such information, which constitute the “registration request”.
“Project”: the set of information provided by the Customer for the purpose of creating the estimate for the production of products.
“Products”: all the products made by AEB Torneria indicated in the Order.
“Services”: the services provided by AEB Torneria to the User, within the limits and according to the procedures set out in the General Conditions of services and sales.
“User” or “Customer”: natural person, owner of a business, who has successfully completed the registration procedure and who intends to use the Services offered by AEB Torneria.

1. Object of the Agreement

This Agreement is stipulated between the Customer and AEB Torneria.
The Contract relates to:

  • The use of AEB Torneria’s Services, which consist in the creation, after the User has filled in a form containing the necessary information and the drawing in 3d format of the Project he intends to carry out, to obtain a production estimate for the realization of the components of the Project by AEB Torneria.
  • The sale of AEB Torneria products requested by filling in the production estimate. The production quote created by you through the web procedure will be binding on AEB Torneria, which, once the Order has been received, will notify you by email of its acceptance and the payment methods for the purpose of concluding the purchase contained in the order.

2. Registration and acceptance of the General Conditions of services and sale

To have access to the functionalities of the Services, it is necessary to register, an operation which is indispensable for carrying out any activity offered by AEB Torneria.
How to register: by clicking on the option relating to registration only on the website home page.
To proceed with the registration, you will be asked:

  • e-mail (which will then be the Username with which you will access all AEB Torneria services);
  • password;
  • first name;
  • last name;
  • name of the Company / Freelancer
  • Business name
  • VAT no
  • Registered office
  • SDI code (for Italy only)

Upon registration, you will also be asked to “tick” 3 (three) appropriate boxes relating to the links:

  1. “I have read and accepted the General Conditions of services and sale and I declare to be of age”;
  2. “I have read and I explicitly agree to the processing of personal data as reported in the Privacy Policy”;
  3. “I have read and I explicitly agree to the sending by AEB Torneria of e-mails with promotional content”.
    By doing so, you declare that you have carefully read and expressly accepted all the conditions, terms and methods of use and enjoyment of the services as expressly indicated below and that you are aware of all the characteristics and purposes of the services.
    It is understood that the username and password you provide are personal and cannot be used by any other third party to access AEB Torneria’s services.

You undertake:

  • To keep your username and password and not allowing third parties to use them;
  • to make no more than one registration and not to register accounts with the aim of abusing the functionality of the Services.

Upon completion of registration, you undertake:

  • not to provide false or misleading data, including false names, addresses and contacts;
  • not to fraudulently use credit or debit card numbers;
  • not to try to circumvent the security measures of the Software or to violate the network, use the Services and its functionalities for purposes unrelated to commercial transactions;
  • engage in any illegal activity in connection with the use of the AEB Torneria Services.

You are the one and only responsible for the conservation, confidentiality and use of your e-mail address and password and, consequently, with the registration itself, you exempt AEB Torneria from any liability deriving from improper use of the password and / or code; the same, by third parties who have become aware, in any way, of the password. As soon as you become aware of it, you undertake to communicate immediately to AEB Torneria, via e-mail at the address, attaching a copy of a valid identity document, the theft and / or loss of access data (User Name and / or password and / or User code) and / or unauthorized disclosure and / or unauthorized use by third parties of the account and / or password and / or User code. Following the report, AEB Torneria will deactivate the registration and delete any contents. The absence of reporting and subsequent disabling will determine the direct and exclusive responsibility of the User for all uses and / or abuses of his User Name and / or his password. All requests will be answered within approximately 72 (seventy-two) working days of receipt.

The User may request the cancellation of his registration and data at any time by sending a communication to AEB Torneria at the following e-mail address: The agreement with AEB Torneria will terminate immediately upon receipt of the request for termination of this agreement and the User Name, password and User code will be deleted.

It is understood that AEB Torneria will in no case and for any reason be held liable towards the User or third parties for the modification, suspension, interruption and / or termination of the services. AEB Torneria does not guarantee that the services offered therein are free of viruses or other elements that may cause detrimental effects on any technology.

Following registration, AEB Torneria is entitled to send the User e-mails with administrative and promotional content, information relating to account activity and purchases, updates, other promotional offers, information on purchases made by the User himself, for as regulated by art. 130, c. 4, of the Privacy Code (legislative decree n. 196/2003). The User can at any time (and free of charge) opt out of receiving promotional e-mails by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the e-mails with promotional content. Furthermore, AEB Torneria invites the User to consult the Privacy Policy and the Disclaimer, which form an integral part of these General Conditions of services and sales.

Failure to fill in all the fields indicated as mandatory in the online request form for the User’s personal data will not make it possible for the User to use the AEB Torneria Services.

AEB Torneria will only allow access to the Service to Users who have previously successfully completed the registration procedure. The Username and Password are personal, they cannot be used by two workstations at the same time and cannot be transferred or sold to third parties. The User will be entirely responsible for all the operations performed using his / her Username and Password and it will therefore be the User’s obligation to keep these data strictly confidential and secret, immediately informing AEB Torneria in the event of their use without the User’s authorization.

AEB Torneria also reserves the right to inhibit a User from accessing the Service as well as to interrupt the operation of his User Name and Password immediately and without notice in the event that it deems that there is a substantial violation of the provisions referred to in these General Conditions of services and sales, in particular if you find that: (a) the User’s data are not updated; (b) there has been any liability related to the illegal use of the Username and Password; or (c) in case of misuse or for illegal purposes of the Services by the User.

AEB Torneria undertakes to cooperate, collaborate and operate, in any way, with all competent authorities, including judicial authorities, where they order or request the Service to communicate the identity or location, as well as further data, of anyone be responsible for any computer infringement (fraud, etc …).

3. Our commitments

We undertake to perform the services covered by this Sales Contract by the book and in compliance with all laws and regulations, including technical and safety ones, in force and those that may be issued during the duration of this Sales contract, as well as according to the conditions, methods, terms and provisions contained in this Contract.

4. Duration and withdrawal

This Agreement is effective from the date on which the Customer successfully registers on the AEB Torneria web platform.
When the Customer sends the production order request form created via the AEB Torneria web platform, the General Conditions contained in this Agreement relating to the Sale of AEB Torneria Products will be applied. At any time, the Customer may decide to withdraw from this Agreement by email by sending AEB Torneria a request for cancellation of the order estimate.

5. Methods of Acceptance and Purchase of Services

The request for one or more Products sent to AEB Torneria by the Customer through the creation of the order estimate, will be binding for AEB Torneria, only if the entire procedure for creating the production estimate has been completed regularly and correctly, without no error reports. AEB Torneria will not be responsible in any way for the temporary or permanent unavailability of one or more products.
Through the Services offered by AEB Torneria, the Customer will be able to create his own production estimate in various ways, creating it starting from his own Project.
In order for AEB Torneria to provide the Service for the creation of a production estimate, the Customer must choose the technical characteristics that the same must possess, by preparing a request form with a 3d drawing of the Project he intends to carry out.
The Project must be uploaded by the Client on the web platform, by selecting the icon “Upload file”.
In his e-mail box, the Customer will receive confirmation of the procedure, with a summary of the production estimate created.

6. Complaints

For any observations or complaints relating to the Services or the Sale, please send an email to the email address: All requests will be answered within approximately 72 (seventy-two) working days of receipt.

7. Limitation of Liability

AEB Torneria assumes no responsibility for direct and indirect damages, of any nature, suffered in relation to the services it provides, not directly and exclusively attributable to AEB Torneria. Furthermore, AEB Torneria reserves the right to withdraw, modify, suspend or interrupt any function or service related to the AEB Torneria Services for its own technical or organizational reasons.

AEB Torneria reserves the right, whenever it deems it necessary, to amend and / or supplement these General Conditions of services and sales. The updated version of the same will in any case always be available on the AEB Torneria platform.
The Customer acknowledges and accepts that AEB Torneria cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any type of damage, direct or indirect, deriving from the Customer or third parties: a) from the use or impossibility of using the services; b) any modification, suspension or interruption of services; c) from messages received or transactions carried out by AEB Torneria or through it; d) from unauthorized access or from alteration of transmissions and / or data of the Customer, including, inter alia, any damage, even economic, by the same User that may be suffered due to lack of profit, use, loss of data or other elements intangible.

The Customer, without prejudice to any other provision referred to in this Agreement, expressly acknowledges and declares that: a) the use of the AEB Torneria services is at their own and exclusive risk and is provided by AEB Torneria on the assumption of an exclusive assumption and total responsibility for and borne by the Customer; b) AEB Torneria is exonerated from any type of liability and guarantee, express or implied, including the guarantee on the continuity, quality or quantity of the services, c) any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the services will be carried out at your choice and risk of the Customer and therefore all responsibility for any damage to computer systems or loss of data resulting from the loading and / or unloading of material will fall on the Customer; d) AEB Torneria assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss of data, information, damage due to delay or loss of chance, inaccurate or missing information, restrictions or loss of access, difficulties or problems of any kind, errors, non-use authorized during access to the services or in relation to other forms of interaction within the services. Furthermore, the Customer is and will be solely and directly responsible for the maintenance and saving of data and information contained in the services. unauthorized use while accessing the services or in relation to other forms of interaction within the services. Furthermore, the Customer is and will be solely and directly responsible for the maintenance and saving of data and information contained in the services. unauthorized use while accessing the services or in relation to other forms of interaction within the services. Furthermore, the Customer is and will be solely and directly responsible for the maintenance and saving of data and information contained in the services.
AEB Torneria declines all responsibility for direct or indirect damages of any nature or in any form they occur, resulting from the use of the Services and / or the news and information contained therein.

8. Limitation of AEB Torneria’s warranties

The Customer acknowledges that access to AEB Torneria services and the contents sent are the sole responsibility of the same, totally relieving AEB Torneria from any claim.

9. Representations and Warranties

The Customer represents and warrants: (a) that it meets the requirements necessary to register and use the Services and that it has the right, power and ability to enter into and perform this Agreement and to grant the rights, licenses and authorizations provided for under the Contract; (b) that the sales transactions communicated by you constitute sales made in good faith in accordance with the terms of the Services and its policies; (c) that it will use the Services exclusively to carry out transactions on behalf of the legal person it represents and not on behalf of any other person or entity; (d) that any sales transaction communicated by you will accurately describe your products and / or services; (e) that you and all transactions initiated by you will comply with all legal provisions, the rules and regulations applicable to your business, including tax laws and regulations; (f) that it will not use the Services, directly or indirectly, for fraudulent purposes or in a manner that interferes with the use of the Services; (g) that you are over 18 years of age.

10. Unilateral changes to these General Conditions of services and sale

AEB Torneria reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of services and sale, communicating the new provisions by e-mail and giving the Customer the right to withdraw from the contract within 15 days of sending the communication.

11. Applicable law and competent court

The Contract is governed and governed by the laws of the Italian Republic, and the application of the rules on conflicts of law is expressly excluded.
As regards any dispute that may arise regarding the interpretation, execution, resolution, validity and effectiveness of these General Conditions of services and sales, it will be exclusively referred to the jurisdiction of the Court of Bergamo, with the exclusion of any other competing forum. or alternative.

12. Personal data and confidentiality

AEB Torneria will process all personal data provided by Users at the time of registration in full compliance with the provisions contained in Legislative Decree no. June 30, 2003, n. 196 (containing the “Code regarding the protection of personal data”), according to the methods and for the purposes indicated in the information provided to the User as affixed at the bottom of this contract.

AEB Torneria ensures the secrecy and confidentiality of the Customer’s data. AEB Torneria ensures that such data will receive the same degree of care and protection that AEB Torneria uses in relation to data, information, software and documentation relating to its business.

AEB Torneria declares and guarantees that the material that will be uploaded by the User for the purpose of creating the production estimate will not be reproduced, redistributed or copied, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, published or transmitted in any form or by any means, bought and sold , rented, sub-licensed, used to create derivative works, or exploited in any way other than the Service offered by AEB Torneria and subject to these Conditions of sale, in the absence of the prior and express authorization of the User.

Having read the information referred to in the European Regulation no. 679/2016 (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation) and with the signing of this contract, the User expresses his express consent to the processing and communication of data concerning him in the manner described in the aforementioned information, relieving the other party from any civil, criminal or administrative liability for damages that may be affected as a result, occasion or connection with said treatments, committing to said party to communicate without delay any modification of the data provided, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the person to whose attention the communications must be addressed in accordance with the aforementioned legislation.

All rights reserved. In particular, all intellectual property rights (such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, sales brands, commercial brands, designs, both registered and unregistered), as well as all published information content or access to which is permitted through the services provided by AEB Torneria, all databases managed by AEB Torneria, texts, graphics, software, photos, videos, music, sounds, underlying source codes and all software, and in general all information offers are owned by AEB Torneria.
All the material listed above may not be reproduced, redistributed or copied, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, published or transmitted in any form or by any means, sold, rented, sub-licensed, used to create derivative works, or exploited in any without the prior and express authorization of AEB Torneria.

All rights, including goodwill and, where present, trademarks, on the names of AEB Torneria, are the property of AEB Torneria Services. The other names of goods and products, as well as the company names, even if they represent trademarks, registered or unregistered, are the exclusive property of their respective owners.